List three artistic tasks the monks and nuns performed.
List three artistic tasks the monks and nuns performed.

Unpublished manuscripts circulated between convents before publication, allowing women to be the first audience for many nuns’ works. Sor Juana of Spain, for example, had over 4,000 volumes in her convent's library, and most of these were unpublished (Cushing-Daniels 31). For further discussion on memories, histories, and convent chronicles, see Chronicles – social histories.ħ. Nuns learned to read by reading the Psalms, other Scripture, saints’ lives, and alphabet books (abecedario) written specifically to teach virtues alongside the alphabet (Ambrosini 422 McKnight 36).Ħ. The concept was that laypeople should not see nuns, as they were the “brides of Christ.” This made the exchange of ideas between nuns and laypeople more difficult as those who were not relatives or religious men were no longer allowed into the convent.ĥ. It was first introduced in a papal bull, Periculoso, years before the Council of Trent. Clausura refers to the enclosure of women in convents from the outside, secular world. Alcuni avvertimenti nella vita monacale by Bonaventura Gonzaga da Reggio, a Franciscan monk, used examples of self-discipline from the lives of various saints to advocate a similar virtue in nuns.Ĥ. Caesarius of Arles, this is number 18 (175).ģ. Benedict, this is chapter 38, number 1 (105).

list three artistic tasks the monks and nuns performed.

Presumably, the infirmary would keep medical books and the kitchen would keep recipe collections (Woodford 21).Ģ.

list three artistic tasks the monks and nuns performed.

“General” books being those books that are not related specifically to another facet of convent life such as the infirmary or kitchen.

List three artistic tasks the monks and nuns performed.