Disney sherriff of nottingham figure
Disney sherriff of nottingham figure

  1. Disney sherriff of nottingham figure movie#
  2. Disney sherriff of nottingham figure full#
  3. Disney sherriff of nottingham figure license#

Badass Preacher: Friar Tuck ("GET OUT OF MY CHURCH!!").Somebody has to keep their eye on things." Skippy tags along on the wedding coach, saying that "Robin Hood's gonna have kids.Babies Ever After: Discussed when Robin proposes to Marian.Ass in a Lion Skin: Robin, a fox, disguises himself as "the spindle-legged stork from Devonshire" and as Nutsy, a vulture.John did make a lot of enemies and suffer a lot of setbacks, but it is debatable whether he was the grasping, cowardly tyrant portrayed in the film. Richard didn't imprison John or the Sheriff of Nottingham (though the sheriff did lose his job) when he got back in fact, John eventually became king, the first after the Norman Conquest (possibly) to speak English fluently. However, just to reiterate, John was not taxing the poor of England just so he could swim around in mountains of gold coins though he was definitely attempting to seize the throne, he had no authority to raise revenues from any but his own possessions (of which Nottingham was one).

Disney sherriff of nottingham figure license#

  • Artistic License History: Pretty much to be expected considering the Robin Hood genre which commonly puts the outlaw as a contemporary of John and Richard rather than (probably) Edward I.
  • There are plenty of other examples as well, including Toby, the timid turtle, Prince John and King Richard as lions ( one with a mane one without) and, of course, our hero is a cunning fox and his Love Interest a vixen.
  • Animal Stereotypes: Mother Rabbit has a horde of children.
  • Nottingham Castle has a scaffold gallows, even though it was invented by the Scot Deacon William Brodie in 1787.
  • In their first scene, Maid Marian and Lady Cluck are playing badminton, which was invented in the 18th century.
  • Again, that song hadn't been written yet- it was written in 1709.
  • While in the ale barrel, Sir Hiss sings "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" (although he says "for I'm a jolly good fellow").
  • The film takes place in the 12th century.
  • The rabbits sing "Happy Birthday to You" - which was written in the late 19th century in Louisville, Kentucky - to Skippy.
  • Disney sherriff of nottingham figure full#

  • Although Friar Tuck comes from the original legend, his presence during the reign of Richard I makes no sense, as the first Mendicant order was not founded until 1209, a full decade after the Lionheart's death.
  • The Sheriff and his mooks as well as Friar Tuck and Alan-a-Dale talk like characters from a western, while Little John shares Baloo the Bear's beatnik-inspired personality (as well as his voice-actor).

    disney sherriff of nottingham figure

  • Anachronism Stew: Mostly averted, except for the voices.
  • Ambiguously Gay: Prince John and Sir Hiss are both contenders.
  • All Balloons Have Helium: Sir Hiss and his balloon head bag.
  • He's just afraid that he might not be good enough to be with her due to his status as an outlaw. However, it is quickly subverted in the next scene, as Robin is shown daydreaming about her.
  • Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder: Marian fears this is what happened to Robin.
  • Tropes used in Robin Hood (Disney film) include: Take a shot when you notice recycled animation. It's also considered one of the gateway drugs to the Furry Fandom.

    Disney sherriff of nottingham figure movie#

    But in contrast, fan reaction has always been unanimously positive, to the point where the movie has been Vindicated by History through 80s and 90s kids who know it from VHS. Additionally, the movie was poorly received critically and has ended up branded "Rotten" on Rotten Tomatoes.

    disney sherriff of nottingham figure

    That didn't prevent Disney from viewing it as one of their worst entries - during production, and even after the box office success. Luckily for the company, the movie made enough money in the box office to pull through. The studio was suffering financially during its production, resulting in plenty of recycled animation from a multitude of films. Therefore, it is one of the most visibly - how can we best put this kindly? - economical Disney animated films. This movie was the first in the Disney Animated Canon that was made completely independent of Walt Disney, who had died in 1966 - The Aristocats was personally greenlit by Walt. Lady Kluck (Maid Marian's lady-in-waiting) - a chicken.Nutsy and Trigger (the Sheriff's Mooks) - vultures.Sir Hiss (Prince John's assistant) - a snake.Among the cast and the animals they're portrayed as: Robin Hood, the 1973 animated feature by Disney and 21st film in the Disney Animated Canon, takes the classic story of the original Robin Hood and replaces all the characters with Funny Animals.

    Disney sherriff of nottingham figure