Deathspank game part 4
Deathspank game part 4

Thus, you must find a way to dye the horns red before turning in the quest.

deathspank game part 4

However, the only demon horns you can find are white.

deathspank game part 4

A quest early in the game requires you to find red demon horns. Occasionally you’ll come across a quest that involves an adventure-style puzzle, usually requiring the player to manipulate various items in order to produce the desired result. Quests do vary a bit, but the typical MMO-style staples are there. These quests are where the adventure and RPG elements of the game merge, as most of the time these quests see DeathSpank slaying foes for whatever bizarre trinkets they might carry. From Eubrick the Retired, former hero/stable girl, to Snitch the Leprachaun, an eye-witness about to turn state’s evidence and defect to gnomehood, every character is memorable and ridiculous.Īs DeathSpank wanders the surprisingly large world, these people he meets all have various tasks for him to complete, which range from the mundane to the spectacular. The people he meets are equally eccentric, whether it be an unusual occupation, bizarre hobby, or just good old-fashioned insanity. DeathSpank is a charmingly bombastic hero he has a clever adjective (or several) to describe everyone he meets, he shouts all the time, and despite his penchant for chit-chat, he’s happy to slay anything and everything for anyone, no questions asked.


The brainchild of Ron Gilbert, acclaimed creator of the Monkey Island series of adventure games, DeathSpank is part adventure game, part hack’n’slash RPG, and the amalgamation works wonderfully. He is the last hope for mankind, and this is truly a disturbing prospect.

deathspank game part 4

His journey is fraught with peril and side quests, but DeathSpank trudges forward into the wild, unphased or possibly oblivious to the dangers that lurk ahead. DeathSpank! Vanquisher of evil, dispenser of justice, and hero to the downtrodden, this mighty, thong-clad hero scours the world in search of the mysterious artifact known only as The Artifact.

Deathspank game part 4